
I amDramatic, intense, and often moody. Emotionally sensitive, a people pleaser, and find the process of making a decision grueling due to the fear it might be wrong.


Love my daughters so, very, much, enjoy a good read, will always find time to write. Have been married 20+ years, Own a business with my husband, live in a small, quaint town.


This Blog/ My thoughts

Will change, often.  If it’s  not been apparent to you yet, I can write emotionally. I think emotionally, I am passive-aggressive and am determined to change. My husband has had an affair (probably two) the last few years and refused to admit. While I have no concrete proof, I do have proof. If you read on you will understand what I mean.

This New year, 2018, My life will begin to look different. This time is now is the time. “I am cleaning house!” As a regional manager, I worked for years ago would say.  Those words also meant Kickin azz and tak’n names later.






4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thanks for following Nutsrok. It has to be consumptive living with an alcoholic. I hope you find what you need to make a better life for yourself. Everyone needs at chance with that!


  2. Thank you for your vulnerability. This is tough, but cathartic. Writing through our pain is a tool God can use to heal our hurts and keep us moving forward in the right direction. Thank you for following my blog. May God bless you and keep you as you walk through the highs & lows of loving an addicted spouse. Sincerely, Juliet


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